Friday, April 22, 2016

Bald Mountain

(Mirror lake Hwy 150, Bald Mtn Picnic Area  and trailhead on the west side of the road)
3-5 mi RT(different sources have labeled it 3,4, or 5 mi RT)
1.5-3.5 hours
Moderately strenuous, 1179' elevation gain
No shade (but really high altitude)
 summer, early fall
Restrooms at trailhead
*watch for altitude sickness
*trailhead at the NW corner of the lot; there is a short rock stairway to the summit
*go early in the day, as there are often afternoon thunderstorms
*don't get too close to the cliff edges on the east side as they can break away

At 11,943 feet above sea level, Bald Mountain is the highest Uinta peak on the west side of the Mirror Lake Highway. It’s also one of the easiest summits in the entire Uinta range.

While the trail is easy to follow, it is still a fairly strenuous hike, gaining nearly 1,200 feet in just 1.75 miles. This hike is suitable for most healthy adults and some children. Because of exposed ledges along the trail and near the summit, this may not be a good trail for younger children.


The Bald Mountain Trailhead (40.689115,-110.903909) is located just west of Bald Mountain Pass on the Mirror Lake Highway.

From Kamas, Utah, travel approximately 29.1 miles east on Hwy 150 to the signed junction on the north side of the road. There is a vault toilet available at the trailhead.

NOTE: The Bald Mountain Trailhead is part of the Mirror Lake Recreation Fee Area. You must display a recreation pass in your vehicle to park at the trailhead. Purchase passes at any of the self-serve kiosks in the area, the fee station at the forest boundary (east of Kamas), the Forest Service office in Kamas, or from local retailers.

The Hike

From the trailhead, choose the signed trail on the right leading to some switchbacks that immediately start climbing the south side of Bald Mountain. Early in the season, snowdrifts may still cover parts of the trail on the first set of switchbacks, which may block access to the upper trail. If the trail is clear, you shouldn’t run into any significant snow problems further on.

At the top of the switchbacks, the trail turns east and follows a broad ridge with abundant views. The trail continues to the east face of Bald Mountain where it skirts along some ledges as it winds upward to the summit. The final few hundred feet of the route pass through large boulders that may require a little climbing to get through.

After about 1.75 miles, the trail crests onto the summit at 11,943 feet above sea level. From the top, you’ll be treated to 360˚ views of the many surrounding peaks and lakes. To the west is the Trial Lake area with dozens of lakes and Watson Peak towering above at 11,521 feet. On a clear day, you may even be able to see Mount Timpanogos on the Wasatch Range, nearly 50 miles away to the southeast.

To the east you can see the dramatic west face of Hayden Peak and the arcing dome of Mount Aggasiz, both over 12,400 feet. You can even see the tips of some of the higher peaks in the Uintas, several of which are over 13,000 feet in elevation.

After taking in the view, return the way you came. Total round trip mileage to the summit is approximately 3.5 miles.

Rules and Regulations

All vehicles parked at the trailhead must display a Mirror Lake Recreation Area Pass.
Keep dogs under control at all times. Dogs may require assistance through the boulders near the peak.
No littering.
Pack out what you pack in.
Special Considerations

This hike features exposed cliff edges, which may not be suitable for younger children.
This trail may be impassable early in the summer due to drifted snow covering the trail.

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