Sunday, April 17, 2016

City Creek Canyon

(past Capitol) 
2-9 miles
1-4 hours
Easy, 300-740' elevation gain
Partial shade
Restrooms near trailhead and at several places along the way
Year round
*to avoid downtown parking, you can drive to the City Creek Nature Preserve entrance: go west on North Temple, left on B street/250 east, B street becomes East Bonneville Blvd, as it makes a hairpin turn go right on a narrow paved road leading into the preserve parking lot
*from the main entrance to the Preserve is 1.5 miles one way
*from the main entrance, road is paved for 5.8 miles, then dirt for the next 7.2 miles
*there is a reservoir 3 miles up from the main entrance
*there are lots of side trails you can follow
*there are picnic tables

*watch for cyclists; hikers should stay on the side nearest the creek

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