Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wind Cave

We did some hiking in Logan Canyon last week. We’d heard about an uphill hike to a unique featured called The Wind Cave, so we left the kids at Grandma’s and tried the hike on our own. Everyone who has spent time in Logan has told us to try this hike.

First, let me say we saw quite a few kids on this hike. Second, let me say that I’m not sure how they made it. This hike is fairly long and consistently steep. In addition, you are in direct sun pretty much any time you do the hike. I would say that our kids would have made it with some amount of complaining. The hike is similar to The Living Room hike above Salt Lake City. (It’s also hard for me to rate this hike, as I was pretty sick the day we went!) If you do take children, just take your time and make sure to go when it will be cool. We were very grateful that we hiked in October.

 The hike is an uphill climb the whole 1.7 miles.

Halfway through the hike, you will see Wind Cave off in the distance. But you still have a while before you arrive.

The payoff, though is pretty unique. A limestone cave was formed underground thousands of years ago. Since then, the Logan River has cut the soil away leaving the cave exposed. So the limestone is intact, but it is standing in the open air. It’s not a cave in the dark, flashlight sense, it’s more like a few giant alcoves that are exposed to the outside light. There are some pretty neat places to explore, and our kids would’ve loved it. We spent almost an hour enjoying the shade and relaxing in Wind Cave. There are two different alcoves to explore and lots of great photo ops. Watch your children as there are some steep drop offs when you are near Wind Cave.

To find Wind Cave, drive up Logan Canyon 5 miles until you see a sign for the Malibu Campground. Park across from the park/campground. There is a sign that tells about how Wind Cave was formed and other information about the cave. This is where the hike begins. The hike is 3.5 miles round trip and you climb 1100 feet. At least the hike back down is super easy. 🙂

We made it! Randy was sick the entire way, but he was such a trooper. Definitely worth the climb.
We did not take our kids on this hike, but we hope to go back and show them this awesome Wind Cave. When we do, we will definitely take our hiking child carrier for our youngest. It is an essential when hiking longer, steeper hikes.

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