Thursday, June 2, 2016

Buffalo Peak (Long route)

Long route
4.2 miles round trip with great views of the valley and a good workout
1350 ft vertical gain
 *This is the trailhead we recommend if you don’t have an all-wheel/four-wheel drive vehicle because the other trailheads can only be accessed via a moderately rugged dirt road.

To access this trailhead, drive up Provo Canyon for 1.8 miles to the Squaw Peak Turnoff on your right. Continue up this winding paved road for 4 miles until you come to a “T” where you will turn right and drive up to Squaw Peak Overlook parking lot.

A clearly defined trail starts on the south side of the parking lot, on the other side of the stone wall, and heads uphill and just below the ridgeline of these foothills.

The trailheads are at the south end of the parking lot, with the ‘Front’ trail the southwest corner, and the ‘Back’ trail the southeast corner. (There are two trails from this location that both take you to the intermediate point ‘Little Rock Canyon Overlook’ on your way to the peak. They are the ‘Squaw Peak Overlook Front Trail’ and the ‘Squaw Peak Overlook Back Trail. Note that if the ‘Back Trail’ is chosen, 680 feet of the trail is a segment of the Squaw Peak road. The ‘Front Trail’ gives you better views of Provo City, whereas the ‘Back Trail’ allows for a greener, more forest-y trip.)

As you reach the highest point along these foothills, the trail will curve to your left as it winds up to the top of Little Rock Canyon. During the summer, children will delight in seeing tiny horned toads along the trail that are docile and therefore, easy to catch.

As you wind your way upward, you will come to a small clearing with a fire ring, surrounded by trees and scrub oak. This area is known as the Sunset Overlook or Little Rock Canyon Overlook as it affords a beautiful view of the valley, and is only about 50 yards west of the Squaw Peak Road. You can also access the Buffalo Peak trail from the road at this point too, which is about 5.9 miles up the road from the Squaw Peak Turnoff from the Provo Canyon Road.

Continue south through the clearing where you will see the trail pick up again and head into the trees up through a ravine on the east flank of Buffalo Peak.

Don’t forget to look back from time to time for a breathtaking view of Mt. Timpanogos. If you are hiking in late spring or early summer you will be in for a treat as this area is covered in blooming Mule’s Ears, a golden wildflower that blankets the hillsides up here.

Soon the trail will come to a “T” and you will turn right (west) and continue up toward the peak. (If you turn left, you will reach the Squaw Peak Road just half a mile to the east). The best views will be at this location, before you ascend the summit, as you look down towards Rock Canyon, Squaw Peak, “Y” Mountain, the Provo Traverse, and Cascade Mountain. In the fall, the valley behind this range is ablaze in beautiful color.

A short, steep ascent brings you to the summit with a cairn at the top, and a little lookout point on the west side overlooking the valley.

***How to shorten the hike:
If you are choosing the 2-mile trail, go east, following the Squaw Peak road for 1.9 miles to the Little Rock Canyon Overlook. You can park along the dirt road (near the trail marker). This trailhead starts with a gorgeous view of the city and Utah Lake. (Looking out towards the city) You will see two trails on your right. These trails are the ones that come from the Squaw Peak Overlook. Do not take these trails. You will want the trail that is on your left that heads up the ridge towards Buffalo Peak. This trail will eventually intersect with the one-mile trail. At that point you will turn right, still heading up towards Buffalo Peak. Keep the map and coordinates on hand if you are worried about getting confused.

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