Thursday, June 2, 2016

Memory Grove

spring, summer, fall
combine with Freedom Trail?

Situated along the banks of City Creek, Memory Grove Park is a beautiful place to take a walk and learn about the brave men and women who have given their lives fighting for our country. The park was originally constructed in the 1920s to honor the fallen soldiers of the First World War. Since then, several other memorials have been established throughout the park. The trail and park are beautifully maintained, making it a popular place for weddings and other special events.


The parking area for Memory Grove is located on East Capitol Blvd., across the street from the Utah State Capitol Building.

From downtown Salt Lake City

Drive north on State Street until it ends at the Utah State Capitol.
Turn east at the ‘T’ onto 300 North.
Follow the road as it immediately turns north and becomes East Capitol Blvd.
Numerous angled parking spaces are available on the east side of the road (40.776626, -111.886207).

The Hike

From the south end of the parking area, locate one of several paved trails that descend the steep hill into Memory Grove. These paved paths descend about 100 feet into the valley below where the park is located. Unfortunately, there are several sections of stairs that make access not wheelchair friendly. Limited parking is available on Canyon Road for those with wheelchairs.

Once at the bottom of the hill, you can begin to explore in any direction. To complete a loop of the park, turn right and follow the sidewalk to the south gate and then across the street. From here, follow the sidewalk as it traverses the east side of the park, passing by several interesting monuments along the way.

One of the first monuments you will come to is known as the “Pagoda,” a large circular structure surrounded by pillars. A monument inside lists the names of Utah’s soldiers who died in the First World War.

Continue hiking north through the park, stopping to view many other interesting memorials along the way. Near the north end of the park, the trail crosses a beautiful stone bridge. Those wishing to extend the hike can continue north here onto the Freedom Trail and off-leash dog area. Freedom Trail is not paved like the rest of the park, but it is very easy hiking. Otherwise, turn south and return back to the stairs and up to the parking area where you began.

Round trip distance following the sidewalks around the park and back to the parking area is approximately 0.8 miles. An out-and-back hike of Freedom Trail adds about 1.4 miles to the total distance.

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